GradGuard Support
What isn’t covered with tuition?
Updated 2 months ago | Frequently Asked Questions
We understand that unexpected events happen when it comes to college life. While we do our best to protect you, there are some situations we can’t cover—even if they’re sudden or out of your control.
- Partial withdrawals: We understand that adjusting your class load can be tough, but coverage only applies if the student fully withdraws from school.
- Voluntary withdrawals: If a student decides to leave school on their own, coverage doesn’t apply unless it’s part of a full withdrawal.
- Losses unrelated to the student: We understand the grief of losing a family member, and while we cover the loss of a tuition payer, we can’t provide coverage for losses unrelated to the student.
We understand these situations can be stressful. If you have any concerns or questions, please reach out—our team is here to support you every step of the way.
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