GradGuard Support


How do I get a copy of my certificate or policy documents? I need proof of coverage.

Updated 4 months ago | Frequently Asked Questions

Your policy documents are conveniently located in your online account. The two documents that you will find are: 

GradGuard College Renters Certificate:  This document serves as proof of insurance for an active or pending policy for the listed dates. If your landlord or property management company is looking for a copy of your policy or the declarations page, 9 times out of 10 this is still the best document to give them. 

GradGuard Policy: Markel, the underwriting company for GradGuard, uploads the complete policy within 3-4 business days after your first payment. For a sample copy, please click here

Where is the certificate or policy located within my online account? 

On the top menu bar, please click on "policies". Once prompted, choose the policy you wish to get a certificate of. This will take you to the policy information. At the bottom of the page, you may click on the document. 

How do I save this? 

Once you've opened the policy or certificate in a new screen, you may right-click, choose "print,"  and then change the printer option to "save as PDF". 


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