GradGuard Support
I can't log into my account
Updated 1 month ago | Frequently Asked Questions
If you don't remember your password, reset it with the "reset password" link. You will then be emailed a link to reset your password so you can log into your online account. Wait up to 5 minutes for the email to arrive at your inbox. If you do not receive a reset password email to the email address you have entered in, it could be due to the following:
- Check your spam folder, as the email could have gotten filtered into it.
- The email address you have entered is not one that we have on file for an account. Try other possible emails that could have been used within the enrollment such as a student school email or parent email address.
- If you have ever unsubscribed from an email that we have sent you, then that email address is put on a suppression list where our system does not send out emails to you anymore, even if you request them. This is a rare case but can happen.
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