One big dilemma in college is whether or not you should study abroad. Sure, there are a lot of pros and cons to weigh, but hopefully this list of reasons you should go abroad will help you make your decision!
1. Valuable life experience – Think about it: how great would it be to be able to say to your kids or grandkids one day, “oh sure, Thailand. I studied there for three months.” That in itself is an awesome thing. But on top of that, you’ll be able to experience new cultures, try new things, and become a more well-rounded individual. You will see things outside of where you’ve always been, and that is priceless.
2. It looks great on a resume – This could be the factor that puts you a step above the rest of the candidates applying for that job, internship, or grad school. It tells them that you’re cultured, refined, well-rounded, and open to new things, which are all great attributes for an applicant to have, no matter what the situation.
3. It’s better than a vacation – You might think, oh, I don’t need to go abroad during college, I can just wait and go on a vacation there someday. But honestly, would it be the same experience? In order to go on a three month vacation, you’d need a wealth of money, resources, and time off from work, which is something few people realistically accomplish. When you study abroad, you are not just a tourist, scratching the surface of a country and a culture for a week or so. You become part of it, learning its mysteries and eccentricities. It becomes a second home to you, and you blend in to it.
4. Simply because you can – This is another big thing that goes along with #3. When you are in college, chances are you are not tied down to a steady career, a family, or many other adult responsibilities. You’re caught in a halfway world between childhood and independence. Which means that you can just pick up and live somewhere else for a semester. And you’re not even getting behind, because you’re either taking classes or working at an internship for college credits and life experience.
5. Make new friends – Chances are, while you’re abroad, you’ll make tons of new friends and connections that you would never have had the chance to meet otherwise. And don’t be afraid of going in blind somewhere completely new – more often than not, there will be many people from your university or others nearby that are also going to the same place. You can also make valuable business connections that may help you in your future career, as well as personal ones.
You really can’t go wrong with study abroad! Many schools have programs, advisers, and scholarships dedicated solely to these expeditions, so go check out your school’s today!