You’re a college student, which means you have a lot on your plate and are probably juggling your schoolwork with friends, work, activities, and other commitments. Because of that, you should be reminded of the resources that your school has to offer. They can probably help you out, and even better- they are probably free! Get the most out of your college tuition and college experience by taking advantage of these five commonly underutilized campus resources.
1. Career Services
College is supposed to prepare you for getting a career, and yet for some reason the career services office is very often ignored by the majority a college’s student body. However, the truth is that career services is definitely worth checking out. They can help you with all sorts of things like formatting your resume, showing you how to write a proper cover letter, and prepping you for interviews. They also might be able to assist you with your internship and job search. Definitely don’t let this valuable resource go to waste!
2. Tutoring
Falling behind in a class or having trouble understanding a tricky subject? Then you should try out a tutor! Visit your academic center to find out what opportunities you have available to you. You can learn some great study strategies and tips, and get matched up with a tutor to work one-on-one with you to help get you through that tough class of yours!
3. Counseling Center
We all get a little overwhelmed sometimes, and talking it out with someone can be a huge help. Whether you find yourself stressed, anxious, depressed, or have any other sort of issue, your school’s counseling center is a great resource to utilize. Talk through problems, get advice, and be proactive in caring for your mental health. Take advantage of your campus counseling center by making an appointment when you need to or whenever you just want someone to talk to.
4. Public Safety
Whether you have to walk all the way across campus alone at night and feel uncomfortable, or need to return from downtown late at night, your school’s police or public safety office might be able to help you. Many colleges have on-campus safety escorts who will walk you from different buildings around campus if you ever feel uncomfortable. Depending on the environment, many schools offer some kind of shuttle services too.
5. Writing Center
Even if you’re not an English major, writing well is an extremely important skill to have. If you have a research paper or any other kind of essay due, your campus’s writing center can really help you fine tune it. It always helps to have a second pair of eyes scan your work, and by going to the writing center, you’ll get that second pair of eyes and also some extra help with your paper if you need it.
The above are pretty standard resources that are common among colleges, but be sure to explore your school’s website to see what other services you have available to you too!