It’s a daunting task to find a job these days, and graduates all across the country are finding themselves unemployed. With student loans and credit card debt, some graduates are finding that it is very hard to make due. While these eager young adults may be qualified, there is simply not enough jobs to meet the needs of the unemployed population. To add to the grind, formerly employed adults all over the country are joining the unemployment pool.
With the economy still struggling to recover from the crash of 2008, many employers lack the financial stability to take on more employment. This is a problem that was feared when the economy first took a down turn and was shortly realized thereafter. Since then, the government has spent time and money to try and improve the situation but due to the steep task the unemployment rate continues to stay high.
In May of 2010, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics stated that the national unemployment rate was 9.70 percent. College graduates under age 25 are currently facing an average unemployment rate of over 9.10 percent. Although this may be a decrease from the national unemployment rate, educated young adults are very discouraged that their high dollar educations are not yielding a higher return.
In the past, many students would have looked into graduate school during a down market but lack of money and financial aid has hindered their ability. Without aid, many young adults look to their parents or guardians for financial support but the recession has effected everyone and many are finding that this option is also quickly closing.
The long term unemployment in the United States has become a big enough issue that the government has stepped in and offered extensions on unemployment insurance and tax breaks. These breaks may provide a short term bandage for Americans facing financial turmoil but a long term change in employment opportunities is desperately needed. Until then, graduates need to stay focused and continue to search for jobs using effective strategies.