Freshman 15: Campus Life

There’s no doubt about it, living on a college campus is a unique way of life. It’s like a test run for the real world; there’s way more freedom than in high school, yet you’re still living in a relatively sheltered community with people all around your same age.

There are many interesting opportunities available to the students living on and near a college campus. Whether it’s movie showings, plays, festivals, concerts, or activities – there’s always something going on!

However, many first year students don’t take advantage of these opportunities because they don’t know about them or are afraid to get out there and do something. While it may be difficult and feel awkward to go and socialize when you really don’t know anyone, the least you can do is try! Besides, how else are you going to meet new people?

If you really feel uncomfortable, bring a roommate or neighbor from your dorm with you. Nothing brings people closer quicker than being the only two people that sort of know each other in a room full of virtual strangers. Plus, the buddy system is always a good idea for safety.

So now you may be asking, well how do I find out about all these fantastic events at school? Fear not, for there are many channels available to you in this situation!

Use your resources. Do you know someone at your school that’s a couple years older, maybe someone from your hometown? Send them a message, ask them if they know of any cool events happening around campus. Ask people in your classes, friends in your hall, or anyone else you can think of. Chances are, someone will know of something cool happening.

Check Facebook. Many colleges have program boards, or the equivalent, which are responsible for planning all these events around campus. And more often than not, they will have a presence on major social media networks (hey, they know their audience!). Often they will post statuses and updates about upcoming events that are in the works, and it’s a good way to get more information about the programs offered.

Keep your eyes peeled. The thing about these events is that the people running them want students to know about them. Check bulletin boards in the academic halls, dorms, and other places around campus for flyers and more information advertising things happening on and around campus. I know at my college the walls are always papered with things that are happening at school and around the town.

Use common sense. There’s a difference between campus sponsored events that your college is putting on and some crazy, out of control party at the frat house down the street. Just make sure that you know what you’re getting into and make informed decisions about the events that you attend. Of course, it’s your choice, but make sure you’ve got all the info before you take off.