Heading to college or university is exciting but can also be stressful. After all, for most people, it’s the first time they’ve ever lived away from home, and they’re under tremendous pressure to get good grades and be rewarded for the big investment it takes to study.
But how exactly can freshmen make the most of their time at college and survive their first year? And better yet, how can they not just survive but thrive? Here are just a few tips to help freshmen make the most of their time at college.
Tips For a Successful Freshman Year
Take Responsibility
When you’re at college, you have no parents or siblings around to make sure that you get up and go to lectures. Instead, you need to take responsibility for yourself and force yourself to get up, show up, and study.
Help Is On Hand
Just because you’re not surrounded by your friends and family doesn’t mean that you don’t have any backup. The vast majority of colleges and universities provide support for their students for everything from mental health issues to laundry, cleaning, childcare, and more. Don’t be afraid to take advantage of these services if they’re offered to you.
Nothing Is Set In Stone
The worst thing you can do as a college student is to force yourself to keep studying a subject you’re not enjoying. The good news is that when you’re a freshman, it’s not too difficult to change your major – but it gets more and more complex the longer you wait.
Luxuries Are Luxuries
When you’re living away from home for the first time, it can be tempting to take all your belongings with you and spend money as though there’s no tomorrow. The problem is that life as a student isn’t a luxury, and it’s often best to save money where possible and get used to living a simpler life with less “stuff” and fewer luxuries.
Exercise Is Important
The phrase “Freshman 15” exists because most people put on weight when they first head off to college. You can combat this by exercising regularly, and it’s also a good idea to work out because it can help you to sleep and even combat mental health issues. If you take care of your body, it’ll help you to take care of your mind.
When we head off to college to further our education, it’s one of the most exciting times in our lives. At the same time, there’s more to college than partying and socializing, and if you want to make the most of your freshman year, you need to put some effort in and go out of your way to make the year a success. With a bit of luck, the tips in this article and remembering GradGuard will help you to accomplish that.
Peter Hill is the best editor of BestEssayTips. He is a socially active person likes traveling and photo/video editing. He finds himself in writing. Feel free to contact him on Google+.