Heading to college is among the most thrilling times for many young adults. With a brand-new environment, exciting new experiences, new friendships, and your future ahead of you, there are plenty of things to be excited about; however, this can also be an intimidating experience for many. If you want to enjoy your first few weeks of college and put yourself on the path to a successful future, here are a few must-know tips.
Develop a Healthy Diet Plan
Freshman fifteen is a worrisome experience for many new incoming students. You may suddenly have a whole new sense of control over what you eat and when you do. If you want to enjoy your first year at college, you need to have a plan for a health-friendly diet, which means getting the proper nutrients and avoiding processed foods. Once you know your schedule, consider what a nutritious meal plan can look like and set some guidelines for yourself. Don’t forget vitamins and supplements to help keep you on track!
Explore the Campus
Another common plight of first-year students is getting lost on campus. Due to the vast exponential size of many college campuses and the newness of the territory, it can be easy to get lost and confused. The last thing you will want to do is be late or unable to find your way. If you want to make for a smoother transition, take time to explore the campus and get acclimated. Not only can this help you be on time, but it can also help you find the best eateries and cool spots to hang out on campus.
Get Organized
College may present numerous challenges if you are accustomed to adults keeping you organized. With you being on your own for the first time, you must learn how to get organized. Whether this is organizing your class schedule, assignments, laundry schedule, or even just your room, there are plenty of areas that you need to learn how to manage on your own.
Get to Know Your Advisor
One of your most significant resources on campus is your advisor. This person is meant to help guide you and offer advice as you take on your college experience. Your job is to know when and how to ask for help. You can use this person as a sounding board and another source of support, so make sure that you prioritize cultivating a relationship with them.
Be Open to Trying New Things
College is a time of massive transition. This adjustment can take time and, at times feel uncomfortable; however, if you want to make the most of your college experience, you should be open to trying new things. Introducing yourself to strangers, joining a new club, or trying a new class may change your life, and all you need to do is be open to the experience. The exciting and reassuring part of this is that you can know that everyone else is experiencing the same thing.
Venturing into the collegiate experience can hold boundless opportunities and exciting experiences. With a bit of planning, preparation, and intention behind your decision-making, you can assuage all of your anxieties and open yourself up to this fantastic new opportunity.
BIO: Brett Clawson has a degree in Business Management and has started several small businesses. He spends time with his wife and two sons when he’s not focusing on those. His oldest son has entered the wonderful realm of college, and he now enjoys sharing tips that he and his son have found essential for college life.