Subletting and the Importance of Renters Insurance

Summer is here, and students all over the country are moving off campus, starting summer jobs, and getting ready for another school year. It’s also a time when students may need places to stay temporarily for summer jobs, and many leave their student apartments empty when moving home for the summer. Finding a temporary place to live out of town to stay for the summer can be difficult when you’re concerned about safety and reliability.

Many people consider subletting their apartments over the summer to take advantage of all the traveling young adults and offset the costs of an empty apartment. No matter if you are on the lessee’ or lessor, you might want to consider renters insurance to ensure the safety of your valuable items.

Knowing what renters insurance covers is essential when considering subletting, either yours or renting someone else’s. It can be daunting to allow someone random to take advantage of your space with all your items inside but requiring a renter to have good coverage allows some of this paranoia to subside. Renters Insurance is a type of protection for those renting homes or apartments which covers personal belongings in the case of an unexpected event, like theft, or covered peril such as sprinkler discharge. Renters insurance is specifically designed to protect personal items and give a more comprehensive coverage range.

Is Renters Insurance Worth it?

When it comes to renting, it can be confusing who is responsible when something gets stolen or if unexpected damage occurs to your space. Many people believe that the apartment complex or landlord will be able to cover damages. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case. When renting a sublet apartment, you will be responsible for any damages that occur or if your belongings get stolen. You are also responsible for anything within the apartment that was left by the lessor. Having insurance is a great backup plan to help cover any costs to replace your stuff or the items left in the apartment. Our insurance plans cover a wide range of items, from clothing to computers and phones, to textbooks, and even bicycles. Our renters insurance is both affordable and practical. GradGuard’s standard deductible offer is nice and low, starting at $100. No credit score? No problem; Everyone receives the same price, no matter your credit history.

Especially if you are looking into renting someone else’s space for the summer, plans and coverage limits are affordable for any student who might need them.

Subletting a Temporary Space for the Summer

If you are renting someone else’s space for the summer while working, having renters insurance coverage can also come in handy. Of course, making sure your belongings are covered is important, as is the space you are renting. If something happens while you are staying, like a burst pipe or something gets broken or damaged, renters insurance can help ensure you won’t be held responsible for paying with Personal Liability Coverage.

You can learn more about renters protection plans at

Renting Out Your Space

If you are considering whether or not requiring your renters to get insurance for the summer is worth it or necessary, consider the peace of mind that will come. You never know who you might run into when subletting your place. By them having a policy, your items will be insured and ease the stress that might come with uncertainty about people’s intentions. Renters insurance is the perfect way to protect what matters to you both, and provide everyone peace of mind.

Like everything, there are always risks involved when letting someone into your space. If you are concerned about the possibility of damage to things you own or things you own being stolen, you might want to think twice about subletting. Suppose you do consider following through with the process. In that case, it might be a good idea to take pictures of the exact items in your space and the placement of everything to make it easier to double-check that everything is how you left it after the lease is over.


At the end of the day, subletting is a great way to take advantage of space that might otherwise go unused, but it does come with some risks. These risks might be avoided with the purchase of renter’s insurance, but risks, nonetheless. If you’re considering subletting this summer or anytime soon, do your research to make sure you and your stuff are taken care of with the right coverage. In that case, we suggest you view all the available coverage and think about possible adverse outcomes that come along with renting your space and items out to a random person. Renter’s insurance is there to have your back, so take advantage of it if having peace of mind might help you.

Author Bio:

Mira Camunez is a returning Marketing Intern at GradGuard. She’s a Junior studying Business Management at Barrett, The Honors College, at Arizona State University.