The idea of going to school over the summer might not sound all that appealing initially. It is, of course, important to relax and have fun over the summer; it is a much-needed break that all college students both relish and deserve. However, if you want to catch up on course credits or get a required class out of the way, taking summer classes might be a smart move.
Enrolling in courses at your own school over the summer pretty much ensures that you’ll get the proper amount of credits for the classes and that they will be applied to the correct department. If you’re not sticking around your school over the summer, though, there’s no need to worry. Most colleges and universities offer summer classes, so you have plenty of options.
Look at your calendar
Evaluate your summer schedule. Summer classes vary in their start and end dates. Many courses take up only the first or second half of the summer, but these classes might meet more frequently and longer than a class that stretches out through a more significant portion of the summer. Keep any possible travel plans in mind when selecting a summer class, and don’t over-commit. Be realistic in assessing how much time you’ll have to spend on a course.
Get your summer classes approved
If you are looking to take classes at a school other than your own, remember to always get them approved first. Before signing up for a summer class, contact your current school to ensure that you’ll receive the credit you expect for taking the class. Many colleges are picky when transferring credits for major-specific courses, but general education required courses are usually easier to get approved for accepted credit.
Study online
Take a look at any schools that might be near your summer residence, but if nothing ideal turns up, don’t worry! A great way to take summer classes is to take them online. Remember that self-motivation will be essential since there won’t be a physical class and professor to remind you to get work done. It’s a really convenient way to take summer classes, though, since it offers you the freedom to work around your own schedule. It’s also a great option if you know you’ll be going on a vacation over the summer—just pack your laptop and find a place with wifi, and you’re all set!
Save money
A major benefit of taking summer classes is that it can be more cost-effective than taking an extra class during a fall or spring semester. When considering various courses, look into prices depending on the institution and the time of year. It’s a great way to save money!
Summer classes can be perfect for prerequisite, intro-level, and gen ed courses. Summer classes can also be beneficial if there’s no room in your regular academic schedule for taking electives or establishing a minor. So, whether you need to play catch-up or if you just want to get ahead in your academic plan, consider checking out a class this summer!