Why College Students Can’t Sleep

It seems that sleeping and college life just do not go together since sleeping is something that almost every student fails to do at some point. When did sleeping regularly become harder than studying? Are students studying so hard that they do not have enough time to sleep? Sleep problems in college students are not a surprise, but students should not neglect them, because lack of sleep during college can leave consequences that will affect their life even when their college days are over.

What Is Keeping Students up All Night?

When we hear that college students are not sleeping well, we immediately assume that that is the case because they are partying too much. And sometimes that is true, parties are a part of their lifestyle, but we cannot blame it all on partying every time. Many students are facing some other challenges that are not letting them sleep well. Some of them have to work part-time, some take a packed load course, others are dealing with stress or an eventful social life, etc. 

What is common is that a lot of students like to pull an all-nighter, trying to learn as much as possible in the last few hours before the exam. However, this usually turns against them. Because when students are sleep deprived, they are more prone to mistakes. They have issues concentrating or thinking clearly, which is why getting at least 7 hours of sleep before an exam is always important.

College life is challenging and stressful in so many ways, and some students just can’t take the pressure. Due to that, many of them are suffering from mental health disorders, such as depression and anxiety; those conditions often tend to trigger sleep disorders such as insomnia. But the relationship between sleep and mental health disorders goes in both ways, so students should not ignore any symptoms.

Consequences of Sleep Deprivation

It all starts with skipping classes occasionally because you’re unable to wake up on time in the morning. Then comes the poor grades on exams, and eventually, some people even drop out of college because they can’t keep up anymore. Lack of sleep is seriously jeopardizing the performance of college students. But if you get used to it, and it becomes a part of your lifestyle, you will be stuck in that vicious circle for a long time. 

Besides poor academic performance, sleep deprivation leaves more permanent marks on our health. You can develop numerous sleep disorders, and your immune system will weaken, you are at risk of diabetes, heart disease, depression, and anxiety. There is life after college, and students need to think about their future and take care of their health.

Learning How to Sleep

If you can prepare for an exam in less than a week, you can surely learn how to sleep. If you are used to staying up late, falling asleep at a proper time will be hard in the beginning, harder than staying up all night. But, you can do it, everyone can. Once you notice the benefits, such as fresh look on your face, alertness, improved memory, and academic performance, you will never wish to skip sleeping again.

Author’s Bio:

Selena Thomas is a content writer who loves sharing tips on healthy lifestyles. A writer by day and a reader by night, she’s fond of writing articles that can help people in improving both physical and mental health. Also, she loves traveling and inspires people on her blogs.